THE AVANT/GARDE DIARIES: Mark Landis - Father Philanthropy Pt. 2
THE AVANT/GARDE DIARIES presents pt. 2 of its latest video looking at Mark Landis — a curious
THE AVANT/GARDE DIARIES presents pt. 2 of its latest video looking at Mark Landis — a curious master forger who also masquerades as a priestly philanthropist. Fifty-eight-year-old Landis, an American painter who is estimated to have successfully donated more than a hundred forged art pieces to museums as gifts. For nearly three decades, Landis has been donating his own copied works of obscure 19th-century American Impressionists to small regional museums under the guise of an eccentric Jesuit priest who had inherited these paintings. With viewers left wanting more information after the first piece, shown here, the producers of this compelling mini-doc have offered up this brief second segment. Check it out now if you’d like to know a little more about the curious Mark Landis.