KONY 2012: Part II - Beyond Famous
Despite the controversy and subsequent meltdown of Invisible Children founder Jason Russell after
Despite the controversy and subsequent meltdown of Invisible Children founder Jason Russell after part I of KONY 2012 became the most viral video in the history of the internet, KONY 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous has been released as well. Beyond Famous offers a closer look at the LRA and explores the solutions put forward by leaders of the currently-affected areas of CAR, DRC and South Sudan, where local communities continue to live under the constant threat of LRA violence. Part II features more interviews with Africans who talk about how the rebel conflict is complex and requires a multipronged approach to stop the warlord wanted by the International Criminal Court for heinous attacks in multiple countries. Noticeably missing is the voice of the organization’s co-founder, Jason Russell, who directed the first video. Russell was diagnosed with brief psychosis last month after an incident in San Diego. Invisible Children calls on viewers to contact policymakers to push for Kony’s arrest and then volunteer in their own communities April 20 for a day of action.