Concrete Messages: Street Art on the Israeli - Palestinian Separation Barrier
The separation barrier draws the strict boundary between Israel and the Palestinian West Bank.
The separation barrier draws the strict boundary between Israel and the Palestinian West Bank. Zia Krohn and Joyce Lagerweij’s book “Concrete Messages” combines interviews with both local and well-known artists, with pictures of their works on the walled part of the barrier. Exploring the role of the artists, the book features the works of Banksy, Blu, Ericailcane, Faile, JR, Know Hope, Paul Insect, Sam3 and Swoon among others. World famous pop-artist Ron English is also featured and said of the book’s subject: “Street art has probably always been the most important art forum for the instigation of social change. I started doing it around 1979. Street art gives you immediate and direct access to the public. To me it means freedom.” Set for release on November 15, Concrete Messages is available to pre-order now at Amazon.